Gambling Addiction – Three Steps to Treating a Gambling Addiction
Whether gambling is a form of entertainment or a social affliction, the impacts are many and varied. While studies of gambling have focused on the economic costs and benefits of the activity, few have addressed the social impacts. Fortunately, two recent studies have clarified the concept of social costs and benefits, defining them as “benefits or harms to other people” and “social rather than personal” impacts. However, many factors must be considered in the assessment of gambling’s impact.
The first step in treating a gambling addiction is strengthening your social support system. Reach out to your family and friends, or find new friends outside of the gambling world. You can also consider joining a peer support group, such as Gamblers Anonymous. The 12-step program is modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, and requires a sponsor – a former gambler who can offer guidance and support. It can help you overcome feelings of hopelessness and loneliness, as well as make you feel less alone.
The second step in gambling addiction is identifying the trigger. Once you have identified a trigger, you need to resist the urge. Moreover, it’s imperative to get rid of all your credit cards. Entrust them to someone else, or make sure your bank makes automatic payments. You can also close online gambling accounts if you can’t resist the urge. As a result, you can only keep limited cash on hand. This will keep you from spending money you don’t have.
Another aspect of gambling that should be examined is whether it improves overall health. While most people believe gambling is bad for you, studies have shown that those who gamble regularly are generally healthier than nongamblers. Moreover, recreational gamblers report better mental health than nongamblers. The psychological benefits of gambling may also improve self-concept among seniors. It can also help people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds maintain a positive outlook despite difficult life circumstances.
While gambling is a form of entertainment, its negative impacts can be severe. The money spent on gambling can be used to fund worthy programs such as public education. Without these, there would be no lottery revenues. It’s important to remember that the goal of the game should never be based on dishonest means. A good government wouldn’t permit theft, fraud, and gambling as a way to increase revenue. But there are many other factors to consider before betting.
There are two major legalities surrounding gambling. In Nebraska, gambling is strictly prohibited on certain premises. Gambling in Nebraska is legal if it occurs in a licensed establishment. The most common form of gambling involves putting up something of value, betting on an event that is beyond your control, and a chance to win money. Gambling is also allowed in places licensed by the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission. The laws regarding gambling vary from state to state.